Classic Trials

Classic Trials

About Me

I have come into 2012 with a strong desire to be more healthy and reduce my weight to something more acceptable for a man of my age and height. On the 1st of Jan 2012 at the age of 45 and height of 6ft 2in, I weighed in at 18st 2lbs (that's 256 lbs or 116kg). I have a pretty large frame and have always been able to carry a bit of excess baggage but I think its time to do something about it for my health and energy levels more than anything else. The experts suggest that for a man of my height and age I should be about 13.5 st but I have set myself a target of 15 st (210lbs or 95kg) - thats a planned loss of around 3 st (46lbs or 20kg) This BLOG is a record of my attempt to achieve this goal and I have made it public to help keep me motivated and on track. If you have any comments, thoughts or ideas and suggestions please feel free to leave me a message..

Monday 17 August 2009

Beezerpost 15 - a wet close shave

Got the bike ready for next weekend yesterday - all spannered polished up and ready to go so I decided to give it a quick spin over on Steve's farm (on the dry sections to keep it all clean and shiny).

All was going well and good and I went to practice on a steep little bank next to the stream to try pulling 2nd gear from no run up. After a couple of attempts, getting closer and closer to the foot of the bank I had an attempt with a big handful of throttle when almost at the top I knocked it out of gear and the next thing I knew I was under water with the bike on top of me. I swam for the top of the water to find it about chest deep and the bike completely under water!

Once adrenaline had helped me drag it out of the water and up the bank onto dry ground I started to empty the water out! I stood it up on its back wheel and the water poured out of the exhaust for what seemed like ages. After emptying the float bowl and whipping the plug out to clear the water out of the barrell I put it back together and thank god it fired up 1st kick!

I can tell you I had images of engine damage but I guess the engine had either stalled by the time it went under water or it stopped pretty quickly!

So I guess it is back out with the metal polish before the Nostalgia trial on saturday. I certainly had a close shave and will think twice before practicing alone again!

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