Classic Trials

Classic Trials

About Me

I have come into 2012 with a strong desire to be more healthy and reduce my weight to something more acceptable for a man of my age and height. On the 1st of Jan 2012 at the age of 45 and height of 6ft 2in, I weighed in at 18st 2lbs (that's 256 lbs or 116kg). I have a pretty large frame and have always been able to carry a bit of excess baggage but I think its time to do something about it for my health and energy levels more than anything else. The experts suggest that for a man of my height and age I should be about 13.5 st but I have set myself a target of 15 st (210lbs or 95kg) - thats a planned loss of around 3 st (46lbs or 20kg) This BLOG is a record of my attempt to achieve this goal and I have made it public to help keep me motivated and on track. If you have any comments, thoughts or ideas and suggestions please feel free to leave me a message..

Friday 11 January 2008

Fanticpost 10

Here is a pic of the FANTIC with white side panels - a much better solution than the previous 2 tone red with different colours on the tank and side panels!

Now the question is whether we should have gone completely white and done a white tank too?

I hope to give it a try this weekend if the rain ever stops - I will update the blog with details of the test.

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