Classic Trials

Classic Trials

About Me

I have come into 2012 with a strong desire to be more healthy and reduce my weight to something more acceptable for a man of my age and height. On the 1st of Jan 2012 at the age of 45 and height of 6ft 2in, I weighed in at 18st 2lbs (that's 256 lbs or 116kg). I have a pretty large frame and have always been able to carry a bit of excess baggage but I think its time to do something about it for my health and energy levels more than anything else. The experts suggest that for a man of my height and age I should be about 13.5 st but I have set myself a target of 15 st (210lbs or 95kg) - thats a planned loss of around 3 st (46lbs or 20kg) This BLOG is a record of my attempt to achieve this goal and I have made it public to help keep me motivated and on track. If you have any comments, thoughts or ideas and suggestions please feel free to leave me a message..

Monday 5 March 2007

Eventpost 5 - Cawder Ghyll, Skipton - Yorkshire Classic

Yesterday I rode my first Yorkshire Classic Championship trial at Cawder Ghyll, near Skipton.
The venue had everything you could want, rocky streams, climbs, roots, rocks, mud and even some moorland crossings between sections.
The weather started ok but soon the promised wind, rain and hail came in and the sections out on the moor were made even trickier with the wind almost blowing some riders off their bikes.
The sections were good traditional type sections with good use of the natural terrain and streams but when the weather came in and mud was dragged onto the rocks they became quite tricky and could easily take marks.
As usual on rocks I was not riding my best and felt quite stiff on the bike, trying to manual it over the rocks instead of allowing the bike to flow. This also causes me to get tired too soon and with it lapses of concentration make for silly mistakes and thrown away marks.
I started ok but on section 4, a steep climb out of the stream to a turn over exposed roots to the ends cards I landed the front wheel too soon on a cambered root and lost the front end for a slack 5. The other laps I made it out for two 1's and a 2 but by then the 5 proved too costly.
The rest of the trial was cleanable as proved by the winner on 1 mark but again lapses of concentration on relatively easy sections meant another 4 marks slipped away needlessly.
Overall a good trial and proved to me that I need to ride more on the Lancs/Yorks rocks to gain confidence and relax on the bike.
Picture taken from the Yorks Classic web site of me at the end of section 4.
2 Stroke
1. M Driffield 2
2. S Thomas 3
3. C Gascoigne 4
4. C Winstanley 8
5. R Thorpe 23
Unit (up to 249cc)
1. T Calvert 1
2. M Smith 11
3. D Dawson 13
4. D Brookes 16
5. M Cocking 16
Unit (Over 250cc)
1. M Harrison 28
2. D Culf 33
3. T Baker 34
4. M Dickinson 35
5. B Whitaker 36
Pre Unit
1. D Emmott 8
2. J Ford 13
3. I Barker 23
4. I Myers 27
5. D Wear 27

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